Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Types of Computer Viruses and How to Overcome It

This time I want to share information about the types of computer viruses and how to overcome them. Things will be outlined, namely the location of the virus, how the spread and how to provide protection to our operating system. Here's the explanation.

1. Trojan
That is the type of virus that is created with the aim to control and steal data that is in the computer. In essence, the trojan is not a virus, but because it is considered to be quite disturbing, then the group breaks into a computer virus that needs to be wary of.
The main deployment location that is connected to the internet access, such as email and personal data dipassword.
To overcome that is by using a special antivirus untu trojans, such as Trojans and Trojan remover hunter.

2. Worm
That is a program that can copy itself. In general, no meninfeksi worm virus, but a dangerous thing: the ability to multiply themselves are so fast that if the computer is attacked in a long time, can lead to fragility in the system. Because the data in memory and hard drive to be great.
Location spread through email and Internet networks. Meanwhile, to overcome it can use the antivirus Iasa. If using antivirus pro even more optimal results.

3. Memory Resident virus
That is the type of virus that infects RAM. Of course, its location in the computer's memory. This virus will be active when the operating system starts up. With own code, virus of this kind will disturb the process pamanggilan program should be running normally. The effect is lemotnya system.
How to protect by using antivirus and update it periodically.

4. Web scripting virus
That is a complex program code which serves to enhance the content of a website. Well ... this is the code that is usually used to interrupt the program with a specific purpose. Example: JS. Fortnight
Location connect Internet, especially email.
For the protection system can be done by installing Microsoft default Windows tool. Do it regularly scans using this application.

5. Multipartite virus
Is a type of virus that is composed of a file to infect a specific operating system. Hiding location that is in RAM, then it will infect the hard drive at a later stage. Conto: invader, flip and tequila.
The fix is ​​to clean up their bad sectors and do disk defragmenter (if using Windows OS).

6. FAT virus
FAT stands for File Allocation Table. That is the type of virus that is created with the purpose to destroy files in a specific location. Usually hide in the storage of personal data. The effect is the ability to hide our important files, making it difficult to detect and will seem to disappear.
Prevention: observe and note the data stored in the hard drive. If we suspect any file that we never do to save it, meaning it is a FAT virus.

7. Companion virus
A virus to interfere with personal data. Beada location in the hard drive. But mempunyaiciri berbeda.Contoh extensions that we have the file extension me.exe, the virus made another extension me.com.
The location on the hard drive, usually gathered with the new files.
Prevention: install an antivirus scan and download the firewall.

8. Polymorpic virus
Is a type of virus that has the ability to encode themselves in different ways depending on the time it infects the system. Example: Marburg, Tuareg and elken.
The way to prevent is to install antivirus high end.

9. Directory virus
Is a type of virus that menginifeksi file with the extension exe or com, then move it. So that when the file is called to run, it will automatically be in action for the virus to infect other systems.
The location is in the hard drive and potential to disrupt all programs. Examples of Dir-2 virus.
Handling: format and reinstall all the programs and operating systems.

10. Macro viruses
Having the ability to infect macro files such as .doc, .xls, .mdb Pps and. Besides this type of virus will infect an email containing the document.
Location: via e-mail and Internet networks.
How to cope with to avoid opening unknown emails and also disable macro program.

11. Boot sector viruses
Is a type of virus that infects Baian smallest in a hard drive is called the boot sector. Its location is hiding in the floppy disk. So that when the system is running he could move kemama everywhere to take action on the infection. Example: Polyboot.B, Anti EXE.
The most powerful way to overcome that is by ensuring the floppy disk in the write protect position.

12. Direct action viruses
Viruses that infect duties AUTOXEC BAT file types. Located on the hard drive directory. This type will be in action when the operating system starts. This strain has the ability to infect external devices such as external hard drives and flash. Examples of Vienna.
Location: generally in the HDD directory. But it also has the ability to move.
How to solve it by installing an antivirus scan.

Thus the explanation of the types of viruses and how to overcome them. It is expected with this knowledge we can take the appropriate action when their computers are infected with a virus.

How To Easily Hide Folders or Files Secret

Your computer is often used by your friends? Worried by personal files you opened by them? do not have to worry about this time I will share how to hide folde or files with ease. Here are the steps:

  • Select the folder / files to be hidden

  • Right-click the folder select Properties

  • Checklist on the hidden ago ok

  • Then the dialog box will appear as below select ok

The next step for perfectly menyebunyikan file
1. Open Windows Explorer or press Windows + E on your keyboard simultaneously
2. Show the menu bar by pressing Alt on your keyboard
3. Click the Tools menu and select Folder Options

 4. Click View and then check the article Do not Show hidden Files, click Ok

 5. If successful it will be successfully hidden folder

Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

DDOS Attacking Server Using Notepad

Using a simple notepad application we are able to perform to a certain DDOS server. How to ?

  • Open your notepad by clicking the Windows + R, then typing notepad and enter.
  • Once open notepad type the following command, as in the screenshot of my notepad

  • Save your notepad and name dossmysteryofcyberpace.bat or up to you as long as it ends in .bat
  • Open the file that has been saved before, it will appear as shown below

  • Then ping the targeted site to get the ip address, for example :

  • Then you type the IP address, for example: ip Host: |  Packet size: 1000000 press enter

  • If Dos successful it will appear as follows

If you want maximum results, do DDOS simultaneously so fast website down

Explanation of DOS and DDOS attack

Explanation of DOS and DDOS attack

    Attacks DoS (denial-of-service attacks') is a type of attack on a computer or server in the Internet network by spending resources (resource) owned by that computer until the computer is not able to function properly thus indirectly prevent users others to gain access to the services of the computer that was attacked.
     In a Denial of Service attacks, the attacker will try to prevent a user access to a system or network using several different ways, including the following:

  • Flooding the network traffic with a lot of data so that network traffic is coming from unregistered users will be unable to enter into the network system. This technique is referred to as traffic flooding.
  • Flooding the network with a lot of requests to a network service disedakan by a host so that requests are coming from a registered user can not be served by such services. This technique is referred to as a request flooding.
  • Interfere with communication between a host and a client that is registered by using a lot of different ways, including by changing the system configuration information, or even the physical destruction of the components and servers.

 DDos Attack Denial of Service in Distributed (Distributed Denial of Service (DDos)) is one type of denial of service attacks that use multiple host attacker (either using a dedicated computer to attack or computer "forced" into a zombie) to attack one fruit in a target host jaringan.Atau an attempt to make a computer resource can be used by its user, using thousands of zombie systems 'attack' simultaneously. The goal is negative, namely that a website or online service can not work efficiently or even dead at all, temporarily or permanently. DDoS attack is one of the models of DoS (denial-of-service) attacks.


Forms of Denial of Service attacks are attacks initial SYN Flooding Attack, which first appeared in 1996 and exploit the weaknesses contained in the protocol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Other attacks finally developed to exploit the flaw contained in dalamsistem operations, network services or applications to make that system, network service, or application can not serve the user, or even crash. Some of the tools used to perform DoS attacks was developed after it (even some freely available tools), including Bonk, LAND, Smurf, Snork, WinNuke, and Teardrop.
Nevertheless, attacks against the TCP DoS attacks are often performed. This is because the other type of attack (as well as filled the hard disk in the system, locking one valid user account, or modify the routing table in a router) requires network penetration in advance, the possibility of penetration is small, especially if the network system has been strengthened.
Differences Dos and DDos attack atta

The difference between a Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is the DoS attack, a computer and an internet connection is used to flood the server with the package, with the aim of overloading the targeted server bandwidth and resources.
A DDoS attack, using multiple devices and multiple internet connections, often distributed globally into what is called a botnet. A DDoS attack is, therefore, much more difficult to deflect, simply because there is no single attacker to maintain than, as resources are targeted to be inundated with requests from hundreds and thousands of different sources.

Selasa, 26 April 2016

Easily Make Virus with Terabit Virus Maker

Now many viruses that have been made by human hands and too many antivirus that has been created and developed by companies to deal with viruses increasingly numerous and sophisticated in today's technological era. Now it has no software to make the virus itself, namely by Terabit Virus Maker.
With this software is guaranteed you who do not know any programming language to create a virus that has the ability complete enough.
In the picture below, the list of functions that are run by a virus which will we make. Manipulation of the software and computer hardware also can be pinned on the virus.

Download the application must first Terabit Virus Maker then install. Download here !
Check the action on the part of the virus. For example, here I just menceklis some action, namely:
  •  Avoid Opening Mozilla Firefox
  •   Avoid Opening Notepad
  • Disable Task Manager
  •  Spread with Folders
  • Turn off Monitor
  • And others simply choose according to your liking
If so now please click Browser to find the file that will be inserted.

As an example I will insert the picture below.

Thus, if the virus is executed it will open the following images.
Then in the Fake Error Message please create headings and text messages that you want on the Message box.
In the File Name After Install please specify a file of the virus. Here I chose to Microsoft Word icon.

And I gave the name Secret in the File Name box
Then click the Create button Virus
Determine where you want to place the virus file and click OK

Congratulations !! Virus you've finished.

Since my last select Microsoft Word icon, the virus also shaped exactly like a Microsoft Word file and absolutely not suspicious.

If the virus is executed, it will immediately open an image that we had a paste.

Then will appear and a message was created.
Furthermore, the virus will infect the victim's computer according to the action that you created earlier.
Congratulations !! you successfully create a virus.

Jumat, 22 April 2016

How to Easily Unlock Password Windows 7 without any Software

How to easily unlock password windows 7 without any software or breaking windows password easily without any software. With these tips and tricks you can also reset Windows 7 password or change the password to your liking guaranteed 100% successful.
For you who are confused to find ways to overcome forgot password tutorial windows 7 please follow the tutorial below. This is how broken windows 7 password with ease.

  • Restart your laptop
  • When you are new laptop turns on and it says starting windows please immediately pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del simultaneously to restart again.
  •  After that will come a windows error recovery then please select Launch Startup Repair.
  •  This will bring up a dialog box "Do you want to restore your computer using System Restore?" And then select Cancel 
  • After you select Cancel image will appear as below, then click the down arrow. Then scroll to the bottom, then click on the link at the bottom. As shown below:
  • Then click the file and open.
  • Then click Computer -> Local Disk (D :) -> Windows -> System 32. After that change the File of Type Text document to All Files.
  • If you had to replace to All Files find the application file named sethc then rename it sethcjk.
  • After you get the last CMD copies. Then paste the section most applications below.
  • Then rename CMD-Copy into sethc
  • Then close -> close -> click do not send -> then finish. Your computer will restart automatically.
  • If your computer is already lit up like the picture below,
  • Have you press the Shift key 5 times rapidly to emerging CMD, and then type net user and enter.
  • Then type net user UserNameWindows * (note the space and remember to type an asterisk *) and Enter 3-4 times.
  • If as shown below, please close.
  • Done click the arrow to go to windows without typing a password.

How to Make Virus with Notepad and CMD

How to Make Virus with Notepad and CMD. Well my friend this time I will share how to create a virus using notepad and cmd. These viruses can be used to bully a friend, I just want to share this knowledge sharing to all my friend, who knows useful and beneficial for my friend and that friend also knows that notepad and cmd of windows can be used to create viruses. Okay here's the explanation:
  • Open your Notepad. Click Start -> Search Notepad -> then click Notepad
  • Then type the following source code: 
  • Then select a location to save the file and name it with any name with the .bat exstensi (example: "virus.bat") and save. 
  • Then right-click the file -> select Create shortcut
  • After that, right click on the shortcut file -> Properties -> Change Icon -> OK -> Apply -> OK
  • Then rename the file with a virus that has replaced last icon with a interesting name so no one would suspect.
  • And when the file is opened booommmm !!!!! 

  • Congratulations you have successfully made the virus itself.
          Good Luck