Now many viruses that have been made by human hands and too
many antivirus that has been created and developed by companies to deal with
viruses increasingly numerous and sophisticated in today's technological era.
Now it has no software to make the virus itself, namely by Terabit Virus Maker.
With this software is guaranteed you who do not know any
programming language to create a virus that has the ability complete enough.
In the picture below, the list of functions that are run by
a virus which will we make. Manipulation of the software and computer hardware
also can be pinned on the virus.
Download the application must first Terabit Virus Maker
then install. Download here !
Check the action on the part of the virus. For example,
here I just menceklis some action, namely:
- Avoid Opening Mozilla Firefox
- Avoid Opening Notepad
- Disable Task Manager
- Spread with Folders
- Turn off Monitor
- And others simply choose according to your liking
Thus, if the virus is executed it will open the following
Then in the Fake Error Message please create headings and
text messages that you want on the Message box.
In the File Name After Install please specify a file of
the virus. Here I chose to Microsoft Word icon.
And I gave the name Secret in the File Name box
Then click the Create button Virus
Since my last select Microsoft Word icon, the virus also shaped exactly like a Microsoft Word file and absolutely not suspicious.
If the virus is executed, it will immediately open an image that we had a paste.
If the virus is executed, it will immediately open an image that we had a paste.
Then will appear and a message was created.
Furthermore, the virus will infect the victim's computer
according to the action that you created earlier.
Congratulations !! you successfully create a virus.
thank you, the article is very easy to put into practice. add to my knowledge, it turns out the virus can be made by human hands :)